I've been trying to figure something out. My future.
There are many choices in front of me. I'm young, I have the time to take steps in one direction and if I don't like it I can go another, right? Because I have to much time in front of me it shouldn't be such a big deal to take time to try a couple different paths and discover which one is what I want to do with the rest of my life.
But it doesnt' feel that way. I feel like every choice in front of me is a risk. Because they all seem to ask for a 3+ year commitment. And after those three years I won't feel so young.
In the past 4 weeks 6 of my friends have gotten engaged and I feel like these kids have gotten life figured out and are stepping out and living. And I'm still standing in the same place, clueless as to what to do next.
Something I don't want to admit, because if I do, my brothers will have won. I don't like giving my brothers the satisfaction of having victory. When I was younger (ok, maybe only last month) they would tell me that I take things to seriously. I would always argue and tell them it wasn't true. But maybe it is, I take life to seriously. How can I not though? I feel like these major life choices are happening right now and each choice is a risk.
So my dilemma is this... So I need to calculate and be serious about these next few steps I have to take? Or is it one of those things where I have to listen to my brothers wise words and realize that I'm taking life too seriously and just learn to take risks with my life?
The wonderful thing to know is that I have faith on my side. Faith that even if I mess up and make a wrong decision. God will still want to work with me. It's a good thing that the most important thing in this life is having relationship with God, and as long as I'm pursuing that I don't think I can mess up too terribly.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
First and foremost I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me. It's been so encouraging to hear from different people who have been praying. It's helped me keep going here.
Being new to this whole sitting down and actually doing homework thing, I was struggling to get all my homework done each week. I kept trying and trying, my grader has been nothing but encouraging and always telling me that if I need help making a schedule or anything else that I could ask her. But I thought I could do it on my own, I was wrong.
This week is a very important and key week, we are studying the books of Kings and if we didn't buckle down and study kings we would miss out on a lot of the meaning to the books of the prophets, which is what we are studying next. My attempts at doing all my work were not working and I didn't want this week to be a week were I missed the main point to something and then end up not understanding the prophets. So I asked for help, I didn't want to, but I did. And guess what! It was a great thing. My leader and I sat down and she helped me make a schedule and she was so kind and is letting me study in her apartment, away from people. Because if I'm with people, I can't help but talk to them and thus, not get any work done.
At the moment, I am on schedule and getting all the needed homework done, praise God! If I can do this everyweek and learn to manage my time well enough, very soon I will be able to join one of the amazing ministries that go on here at the base. There are two things I've been dying to do.
One of them is the orphanage, twice a week people go to the orphanage to do dishes and help change and feed the babies there. The thing is, you have to wake up at 5 in the morning to go. So as soon as I get to a place where I'm not worried about homework all the time I will go!
The other ministry is "Zona Norte". In this ministry a group of people go and does a prayer walk through the red light district in Tijuana. When I first heard what this ministry did my heart jumped! One of my favorite things I did on my outreach in Brazil was work with the prostitutes in the city of Brasilia. There we got to go from bus stop to bus stop to pray, encourage and pass out roses to girls and tell them how they are beautiful. Seeing the change and light that came into the girls eyes as they listened to what we had to say and watching some of them come to except Christ was one of the most awe-inspiring things I did there. So the ministry of "Zona Norte" is something that is on my heart and I can't wait till I accomplish what God brought me here to do (school) and when I feel like I can, I will start joining people in these ministries.
Here is another missionaries blog on the ministry of "Zona Norte" http://girlrelentless.blogspot.com/2011/11/pink.html
I have 3 more days of studying the books of Kings and I'm loving it! I've read the book twice before I came here and even reading it for the 3rd time while being here I thought it pretty boring. But as I study it, and really look at each king, the book is coming alive. Honestly though, the book is heartbreaking. Evil after evil king rules over Israel and Judah and brings them further and further away from God.
Actually, studying most of the old testament is pretty depressing. God is so faithful to his people, his promises and covenant he made with them. Israel just doesn't seem to care most of the time. I would like something a little less downhearted. I'm ready to read about Jesus!
So again, thank you for praying
Here are a couple of things you could keep praying for...
1) That I can keep the discipline and work-ethic I've got going this week
2) More revelation and excitement for each book I study
3) Health, I've had a cold this week and a lot of headaches lately.
Love you all!
Being new to this whole sitting down and actually doing homework thing, I was struggling to get all my homework done each week. I kept trying and trying, my grader has been nothing but encouraging and always telling me that if I need help making a schedule or anything else that I could ask her. But I thought I could do it on my own, I was wrong.
This week is a very important and key week, we are studying the books of Kings and if we didn't buckle down and study kings we would miss out on a lot of the meaning to the books of the prophets, which is what we are studying next. My attempts at doing all my work were not working and I didn't want this week to be a week were I missed the main point to something and then end up not understanding the prophets. So I asked for help, I didn't want to, but I did. And guess what! It was a great thing. My leader and I sat down and she helped me make a schedule and she was so kind and is letting me study in her apartment, away from people. Because if I'm with people, I can't help but talk to them and thus, not get any work done.
At the moment, I am on schedule and getting all the needed homework done, praise God! If I can do this everyweek and learn to manage my time well enough, very soon I will be able to join one of the amazing ministries that go on here at the base. There are two things I've been dying to do.
One of them is the orphanage, twice a week people go to the orphanage to do dishes and help change and feed the babies there. The thing is, you have to wake up at 5 in the morning to go. So as soon as I get to a place where I'm not worried about homework all the time I will go!
The other ministry is "Zona Norte". In this ministry a group of people go and does a prayer walk through the red light district in Tijuana. When I first heard what this ministry did my heart jumped! One of my favorite things I did on my outreach in Brazil was work with the prostitutes in the city of Brasilia. There we got to go from bus stop to bus stop to pray, encourage and pass out roses to girls and tell them how they are beautiful. Seeing the change and light that came into the girls eyes as they listened to what we had to say and watching some of them come to except Christ was one of the most awe-inspiring things I did there. So the ministry of "Zona Norte" is something that is on my heart and I can't wait till I accomplish what God brought me here to do (school) and when I feel like I can, I will start joining people in these ministries.
Here is another missionaries blog on the ministry of "Zona Norte" http://girlrelentless.blogspot.com/2011/11/pink.html
I have 3 more days of studying the books of Kings and I'm loving it! I've read the book twice before I came here and even reading it for the 3rd time while being here I thought it pretty boring. But as I study it, and really look at each king, the book is coming alive. Honestly though, the book is heartbreaking. Evil after evil king rules over Israel and Judah and brings them further and further away from God.
Actually, studying most of the old testament is pretty depressing. God is so faithful to his people, his promises and covenant he made with them. Israel just doesn't seem to care most of the time. I would like something a little less downhearted. I'm ready to read about Jesus!
So again, thank you for praying
Here are a couple of things you could keep praying for...
1) That I can keep the discipline and work-ethic I've got going this week
2) More revelation and excitement for each book I study
3) Health, I've had a cold this week and a lot of headaches lately.
Love you all!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
In honor of the 5th
Hello my friends,
I can't say much right now, I am coming to the end of my all-nighter and I'm a bit tired. But today is the 5th of november and it is a day to be remembered.
I've always loved the movie V for Vendetta and thankfully I'm with a friend here in mexico that loves the move too, so we will be watching it tonight. A few of my favorites quotes from the movie...
Have a happy 5th!
I can't say much right now, I am coming to the end of my all-nighter and I'm a bit tired. But today is the 5th of november and it is a day to be remembered.
I've always loved the movie V for Vendetta and thankfully I'm with a friend here in mexico that loves the move too, so we will be watching it tonight. A few of my favorites quotes from the movie...
V- His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.
Evey- That the world needs more than just a building right now. It needs hope.
Gordon- You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
V- Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
Evey- Who are you?
V- Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey- Well I can see that.
V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation, I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
Evey- He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.
V- A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having!
V-People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
Valerie- Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Word Designs
So! I've been inspired by this graphic designer Jim Lepage. I've always loved his work and wanted to do something like it but never thought I would have the chance!
BUT now I'm going through each book of the bible and have 8 months of it left! I will try my hardest to keep making a different art piece for each book. So far I've drawn something for Ruth and done a little graphic design for 1st and 2nd Samuel. I will try and use the key verse from each book for the inspiration for my designs. But I might just use whatever inspires me the most in the book.
I highly recommend checking out Jim Lepages work though! His work is really awesome and has great meanings behind it. Plus there is a drawing taking place where I could win one of his posters.
BUT now I'm going through each book of the bible and have 8 months of it left! I will try my hardest to keep making a different art piece for each book. So far I've drawn something for Ruth and done a little graphic design for 1st and 2nd Samuel. I will try and use the key verse from each book for the inspiration for my designs. But I might just use whatever inspires me the most in the book.
I highly recommend checking out Jim Lepages work though! His work is really awesome and has great meanings behind it. Plus there is a drawing taking place where I could win one of his posters.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Chronological School of Biblical Studies AKA CSBS
I'm sorry I haven't written an update until now. I know I should of done it sooner and I'm sorry.
So, I'm in Tijuana, Mexico doing YWAM's School of Biblical studies! It wasn't what I was originally planning to do this year but God changed my plans and told me to be here. So here I am and I am already seeing why God wanted me here. I've only studied the first 4 books of the bible and I've been brought to tears more than once because of the depth of love that God has for his people.
If you don't know, what we do in the CSBS is inductively study the bible in the order that it is in. So at the beginning of the week we separate into groups and read the book that we are studying, out loud, in one sitting. During the week we have lectures where a teacher or guest speaker teaches the background on the book. And from what we learn in class we have different homework assignments. Most of the time we have to chart out the book, that is where we observe everything we can find in each chapter and then from that we find an interpretation and an application of how it affects our life and how it could affect the church or the people around us.
We also have to do some background information on our own too. We have to find internal and external sources on Who wrote the book, When the book was written, Who the book was written too and figure out the mindset of the author and the mindset of who the book was written to. It can be very tedious but it is required if you want to be able to really dig deep into the the book and gather great insight into the reason the book was written.
When I tell people about the school I'm doing usually the response is "Oh, I could never do that". My response usually is that, I can't either. It's not easy, and the only way I've making it through right now is only with God's grace and revelation. I have a love/hate relationship with my studies. I can feel myself truly growing and creating an amazing foundation in God's word. But it's so much work!!! I know by the end of the nine months I will never want to trade this time for anything though. The relationship that is growing between me and God is becoming deeper and so much sweeter the more I learn about the things he has done and is doing for his people.
Oh! The base I'm at is beautiful. It is located about 15 minutes outside of Tijuana and is about 2 blocks away from the Pacific Ocean. All the buildings here are fairly newly built and done very beautifully. The CSBSers have two double wide trailers that we stay in. We were put in the trailers because they are better long term spaces because they have little kitchenettes and more space than the base dormitories.
So in about an hour our CSBS is leaving on a "wilderness wandering" camping trip. We are doing this to get even more into the mindset of the Israelites, We are studying them at the moment and they are wandering in the wilderness too. Also we are going just to have fun. Not that our group has had a lack of fun. On the coupl of nights that we have had off we have gone into town to karaoke and to dance. It's been a great time of bonding and becoming a great group of friends. There are 9 of us, a girl from cambodia, a girl from switzerland, 2 of us girls and 3 guys from the states and two more guys from canada. Also, my friend Jesse Evans and his wife Becky are the leaders of the school!
Unfortunately because of all the homework I haven't had much time to participate in the different ministries that are going on here at the base. But the base has some amazing, fruitful ministry going on. There is Homes of Hope, where almost every weekend a missions team comes down to build a house for the poor in Tijuana. Also there are jail, street kids, and homeless ministries that are going on every week. I'm sure there are other ones too that I have forgotten to mention. I hope that some time soon I get a good handle on the homework so I can join in a ministry!
Well my friends, I should go pack. Thanks for reading and hopefully I can get an update out more often.
Much Love,
So, I'm in Tijuana, Mexico doing YWAM's School of Biblical studies! It wasn't what I was originally planning to do this year but God changed my plans and told me to be here. So here I am and I am already seeing why God wanted me here. I've only studied the first 4 books of the bible and I've been brought to tears more than once because of the depth of love that God has for his people.
If you don't know, what we do in the CSBS is inductively study the bible in the order that it is in. So at the beginning of the week we separate into groups and read the book that we are studying, out loud, in one sitting. During the week we have lectures where a teacher or guest speaker teaches the background on the book. And from what we learn in class we have different homework assignments. Most of the time we have to chart out the book, that is where we observe everything we can find in each chapter and then from that we find an interpretation and an application of how it affects our life and how it could affect the church or the people around us.
We also have to do some background information on our own too. We have to find internal and external sources on Who wrote the book, When the book was written, Who the book was written too and figure out the mindset of the author and the mindset of who the book was written to. It can be very tedious but it is required if you want to be able to really dig deep into the the book and gather great insight into the reason the book was written.
When I tell people about the school I'm doing usually the response is "Oh, I could never do that". My response usually is that, I can't either. It's not easy, and the only way I've making it through right now is only with God's grace and revelation. I have a love/hate relationship with my studies. I can feel myself truly growing and creating an amazing foundation in God's word. But it's so much work!!! I know by the end of the nine months I will never want to trade this time for anything though. The relationship that is growing between me and God is becoming deeper and so much sweeter the more I learn about the things he has done and is doing for his people.
Oh! The base I'm at is beautiful. It is located about 15 minutes outside of Tijuana and is about 2 blocks away from the Pacific Ocean. All the buildings here are fairly newly built and done very beautifully. The CSBSers have two double wide trailers that we stay in. We were put in the trailers because they are better long term spaces because they have little kitchenettes and more space than the base dormitories.
So in about an hour our CSBS is leaving on a "wilderness wandering" camping trip. We are doing this to get even more into the mindset of the Israelites, We are studying them at the moment and they are wandering in the wilderness too. Also we are going just to have fun. Not that our group has had a lack of fun. On the coupl of nights that we have had off we have gone into town to karaoke and to dance. It's been a great time of bonding and becoming a great group of friends. There are 9 of us, a girl from cambodia, a girl from switzerland, 2 of us girls and 3 guys from the states and two more guys from canada. Also, my friend Jesse Evans and his wife Becky are the leaders of the school!
Unfortunately because of all the homework I haven't had much time to participate in the different ministries that are going on here at the base. But the base has some amazing, fruitful ministry going on. There is Homes of Hope, where almost every weekend a missions team comes down to build a house for the poor in Tijuana. Also there are jail, street kids, and homeless ministries that are going on every week. I'm sure there are other ones too that I have forgotten to mention. I hope that some time soon I get a good handle on the homework so I can join in a ministry!
Well my friends, I should go pack. Thanks for reading and hopefully I can get an update out more often.
Much Love,
The base's coffee shop I love studying in.
Early morning prank us girls pulled on one of the guys.
He had pet turtles and in the midst of the prank war we had the night before we stole the turtles and set them up for breakfast at his desk the next morning.
View from the window of my coffee shop.
Our Trailers.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hey guys!
I wanted to update you on what has been going on with me these past couple of days. At the moment I am in the city of Ottawa doing evangelism here as like a starter for outreach. The first day here we went to Canada's national house of prayer. The people there are so passionate about praying for their government, it's infective. So there we learned all about Canadian government and then walked to Parliament Hill, and took time to pray and intercede for the government. The next morning we split up into smaller groups and prayed over a map of Ottawa and asked God where he wanted us to go in the city. This was such an amazing experience. Our team was very unenthusiastic and tired in the morning when we were praying. And only two people in our group felt like God had spoken to us. I got the word manchester and another guy felt like we should do some work in a soup kitchen or food place. So we looked up where manchester ave. was and went there. When we got there we were so confused, Manchester ave. is a little dingy street with four run down houses on it. So we parked and started walking towards it when we noticed a mosque across the street. And we felt like we should go there and pray by it. On our way there we saw these signs saying "food bank that way". God could not of spoken more clearly to us. Even though at first we didn't think that "manchester" of "soup kitchen" but we ended up going to the food bank and asking the people there if they needed any help. The workers there were so open and excited for us to work with them. We spent most of the day just stocking and organizing the back closet of food. We then took a time to pray for them. It was such an amazing experience for us all.
On monday I got a call from Indiana Wesleyan University saying that I had been accepted into the school. I have also been invited to be staff on the YWAM base in Dunham. So I have very exciting opportunities ahead of me after DTS. But after getting the call from IWU and talking with friends about it I am feeling very called to be staff here on the YWAM base. What the means is that I would commit to working on the base during the off season and staffing the arts and music DTS for two years. This is so exciting for me, I have been impacted a lot by the leaders on my DTS and I want to be able to be used by God in the same way to impact others lives.
Another thing that has been going is finances, God has blessed be extremely through family and friends with close to one thousand dollars for outreach. The way that has been happening is extremely amazing and I am so thankful for all he has done so far. I'm still short 1768.11. As much as it is against my nature to trust God with this I am trying. Daily I have a small panic attack but then God reminds me that he chose me to go Brazil and he will make a way as long as I'm faithful.
So here I go... trusting God to miraculously bring in the rest of my finances, to show me whether or not I am supposed to be staff next semester or go to college and that he will continually working in the lives of the people in Ottawa....
I wanted to update you on what has been going on with me these past couple of days. At the moment I am in the city of Ottawa doing evangelism here as like a starter for outreach. The first day here we went to Canada's national house of prayer. The people there are so passionate about praying for their government, it's infective. So there we learned all about Canadian government and then walked to Parliament Hill, and took time to pray and intercede for the government. The next morning we split up into smaller groups and prayed over a map of Ottawa and asked God where he wanted us to go in the city. This was such an amazing experience. Our team was very unenthusiastic and tired in the morning when we were praying. And only two people in our group felt like God had spoken to us. I got the word manchester and another guy felt like we should do some work in a soup kitchen or food place. So we looked up where manchester ave. was and went there. When we got there we were so confused, Manchester ave. is a little dingy street with four run down houses on it. So we parked and started walking towards it when we noticed a mosque across the street. And we felt like we should go there and pray by it. On our way there we saw these signs saying "food bank that way". God could not of spoken more clearly to us. Even though at first we didn't think that "manchester" of "soup kitchen" but we ended up going to the food bank and asking the people there if they needed any help. The workers there were so open and excited for us to work with them. We spent most of the day just stocking and organizing the back closet of food. We then took a time to pray for them. It was such an amazing experience for us all.
On monday I got a call from Indiana Wesleyan University saying that I had been accepted into the school. I have also been invited to be staff on the YWAM base in Dunham. So I have very exciting opportunities ahead of me after DTS. But after getting the call from IWU and talking with friends about it I am feeling very called to be staff here on the YWAM base. What the means is that I would commit to working on the base during the off season and staffing the arts and music DTS for two years. This is so exciting for me, I have been impacted a lot by the leaders on my DTS and I want to be able to be used by God in the same way to impact others lives.
Another thing that has been going is finances, God has blessed be extremely through family and friends with close to one thousand dollars for outreach. The way that has been happening is extremely amazing and I am so thankful for all he has done so far. I'm still short 1768.11. As much as it is against my nature to trust God with this I am trying. Daily I have a small panic attack but then God reminds me that he chose me to go Brazil and he will make a way as long as I'm faithful.
So here I go... trusting God to miraculously bring in the rest of my finances, to show me whether or not I am supposed to be staff next semester or go to college and that he will continually working in the lives of the people in Ottawa....
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Hello Friends!
It's insane that this is the last week of lectures and then in two weeks I will be boarding a plane to Brazil! It's very bittersweet, I am so excited to go to Brazil but I'm going to miss the rest of the DTS and the other friends I have here on the base. Everyone here is like a second family to me.
Recently though I've been getting closer to my outreach team as we have two meetings together a week where we just get to know each other or plan things for outreach. But mostly we have been working on getting visa's for Brazil. Which we thought was going really well, till we got to the consulate in Monteal and turned our papers in we found out that our case requires a different type of visa, so we have to wait on a lot of paper work to be done and then reapply again. So PLEASE be praying that the paper work gets done quickly and correctly. Our team has been praying and know that God has already got it covered but support from family and friends never hurt anything.
Thanks for checking in!
Love you,
Nicole Hope
It's insane that this is the last week of lectures and then in two weeks I will be boarding a plane to Brazil! It's very bittersweet, I am so excited to go to Brazil but I'm going to miss the rest of the DTS and the other friends I have here on the base. Everyone here is like a second family to me.
Recently though I've been getting closer to my outreach team as we have two meetings together a week where we just get to know each other or plan things for outreach. But mostly we have been working on getting visa's for Brazil. Which we thought was going really well, till we got to the consulate in Monteal and turned our papers in we found out that our case requires a different type of visa, so we have to wait on a lot of paper work to be done and then reapply again. So PLEASE be praying that the paper work gets done quickly and correctly. Our team has been praying and know that God has already got it covered but support from family and friends never hurt anything.
Thanks for checking in!
Love you,
Nicole Hope
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Greetings my dear friends and family,
Bonjour from Dunham, Quebec! I'm am so amazed how God has blessed me here and am excited to tell you about it. I can't believe I've been here 8 weeks already! I'm starting to get used to hearing as much French as English in a day, but I still can only speak a few simple phrases. It’s difficult to try to learn a second language on top of everything else we're doing here.
Nicole Lechner
Jeunesse en mission
165, rue du collège - Dunham, QC,
JOE 1MO Canada.
Also you can support me by donating through paypal,
Bonjour from Dunham, Quebec! I'm am so amazed how God has blessed me here and am excited to tell you about it. I can't believe I've been here 8 weeks already! I'm starting to get used to hearing as much French as English in a day, but I still can only speak a few simple phrases. It’s difficult to try to learn a second language on top of everything else we're doing here.
As far as my schedule goes; Monday through Friday, we have 3 hours of lecture, with a different speaker every week. It's really nice to have a fresh face teaching us different things every week. On the other hand, by the end of the week, we are all sad to see our teacher and new friend leave us. It’s all bittersweet. Each week we have different times scheduled for creative release, intercession (praying and listening) time together, HOME CLEANING, home projects (pretty much just another name for more cleaning), and community service. And with all this I AM HAVING SO MUCH FUN. We have weekends off, but they are mostly spent working on different projects such as creating a psalm in our own art form or creating a video on an injustice issue going on in the world. Also, weekly we have to complete our journal. These are meant to be personal accounts of what we've learned during the week presented in a creative way.
I’m not the same person as I was 8 weeks ago. God has put so many amazing people in my life that have helped me truly discover some of God's love. So many lies that I had been believing are being replaced with the truth of God's love for me. Being in a place where God is the focus of everyone is incredible. I can’t think of any other place I’d want to be at in this time of my life.
Did I mention that I’m going to BRAZIL for outreach!? For the first 3 weeks I will be in the city, Porto Velho, involved with YWAM and working with the Tribes in the Amazon jungle. After that our team will be heading to the city, Brazilia, and working in a hospital that treats kids with cancer. Also, we will be going an hour outside the city and working with a project that gives shelter to kids that have been rescued from being buried alive because they have deformities. There is a team of six of us going to use the amazing things God has taught these months here in Dunham. I know God has picked us to go to Brazil for a reason and I'm extremely excited for the work we will be doing there.
God has been so good by providing me with jobs so I could support myself for the first part of this adventure! Thank you for all of your prayers and support in coming here. I still need to raise some support for myself, the outreach phase costs about $3,500. I have $1,000 set aside for that and I'm trusting God to bring in the remaining $2,500.
If you feel like would like to support me in this amazing time in my life, please a send a check made out to YWAM Dunham with Nicole Lechner in the memo, or just write it out to my name. Feel free to send me letters and emails too! The address is as follows:
Nicole Lechner
Jeunesse en mission
165, rue du collège - Dunham, QC,
JOE 1MO Canada.
Also you can support me by donating through paypal,
I also need lots of prayer for this journey I'm about to go on. Here are some things to keep in your prayers:
- One of the members of the outreach team is from the Dominican Republic and will have a hard time attaining a transit visa so we can fly through the US.
- Each of us has to get a visa for our time in Brazil and it's hard for people who are doing the work we are going to do to get one.
- That our team will learn Portuguese quickly because for the first 3 weeks, while in Porto Velho, we will not have a translator and only one team member speaks a bit of Portuguese.
- Pray that the outreach team will become a strong, united group because the work we will be doing is not easy work and will probably bring many different struggles for each of us.
- Please pray that daily I will feel passionate and excited about the ministries I will be working with. There will be days that I will be exhausted and need to remember God’s heart for the people in Brazil.
- While being here I have discovered a passion and a new talent for dancing. Which is awesome because in Brazilian culture dancing is huge. So pray that God will continue to bless my dancing and give me the patience to keep learning.
That's all for now! Please keep me in your prayers, especially as my team and the other teams prepare for outreach. Thank you for everything, dear friends. I miss you all!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Well friends,
My time here in Dunham, Quebec has become a very busy life. Between daily lectures and house chores, worship, intercession, lunch dishes, community service projects we also have different projects we have to tackle. Recently we had an art project where we had to create a psalm in our own art form. People wrote songs, poems, created drawings, paintings, sculptures, dances, someone even did a fire dance! I made a quilt in honor of my grandma. It was a very simple small wall hanging one. Most of it was different colored plain blue squares and on top of them I had puzzle pieces. Each piece represented something God had done in my life or a decision I made, all the different puzzles pieces met together near the center and created a explosion where I had fabric sewn on to look like it was exploding off the quilt. The explosion on my quilt created different puzzle pieces, some of which were; fabric with red and white maple leaves to represent coming to Canada; a circus material, since the theme of our DTS is Holy Circus; and a fabric with Brazilian colors on it. And because of coming to Canada and going my DTS I discovered how much God loves me and he ripped away what would of been a very plain future of blue squares and instead gave me this future of knowing his love, where I had all different floral prints to show how I can be like a little girl running through a field admiring all the beautiful flowers and just soak in God's beauty and grace.
Now all of that took about 3 days and 2 very late nights to make. During which I was sick but ignored it till I presented my quilt to the YWAM base. The day after that got up for worship but then found I was so sickly I had to go back to bed. And I slept till about 4. I felt much better but it still took a couple more days to get over that sickness.
This past week we have be studying the topic of Justice. Our teacher was Dave Skeen, and he gave each of the 5 outreach teams a different injustice that was happening in the world and we had to research it and create a video so raise awareness about it. My outreach team was given the topic of "aboriginal health issues due to tar-sands". When I first heard our topic I was like "WHAA!" I've never heard of tar-sands before. And it's amazing that I haven't because it causing so much devastation here in Canada. Here is the video...

My time here in Dunham, Quebec has become a very busy life. Between daily lectures and house chores, worship, intercession, lunch dishes, community service projects we also have different projects we have to tackle. Recently we had an art project where we had to create a psalm in our own art form. People wrote songs, poems, created drawings, paintings, sculptures, dances, someone even did a fire dance! I made a quilt in honor of my grandma. It was a very simple small wall hanging one. Most of it was different colored plain blue squares and on top of them I had puzzle pieces. Each piece represented something God had done in my life or a decision I made, all the different puzzles pieces met together near the center and created a explosion where I had fabric sewn on to look like it was exploding off the quilt. The explosion on my quilt created different puzzle pieces, some of which were; fabric with red and white maple leaves to represent coming to Canada; a circus material, since the theme of our DTS is Holy Circus; and a fabric with Brazilian colors on it. And because of coming to Canada and going my DTS I discovered how much God loves me and he ripped away what would of been a very plain future of blue squares and instead gave me this future of knowing his love, where I had all different floral prints to show how I can be like a little girl running through a field admiring all the beautiful flowers and just soak in God's beauty and grace.
Now all of that took about 3 days and 2 very late nights to make. During which I was sick but ignored it till I presented my quilt to the YWAM base. The day after that got up for worship but then found I was so sickly I had to go back to bed. And I slept till about 4. I felt much better but it still took a couple more days to get over that sickness.
This past week we have be studying the topic of Justice. Our teacher was Dave Skeen, and he gave each of the 5 outreach teams a different injustice that was happening in the world and we had to research it and create a video so raise awareness about it. My outreach team was given the topic of "aboriginal health issues due to tar-sands". When I first heard our topic I was like "WHAA!" I've never heard of tar-sands before. And it's amazing that I haven't because it causing so much devastation here in Canada. Here is the video...
It was a challenging time for our team. We had done most of the research and created the drawings for the first bit of the video but we had put nothing together until the night before. Plus the day the day before it was due the computer we were going to use because of the program it had got a virus and the person on our team with the most video creating skills also got a virus. So yeah, it took us till 4 in the morning to make it. BUT we weren't the last team to go to bed that night. One guy was up till 5:30 making their video. CRAZY.
Coming up I have to do a newspaper article/ book report type thing on Rob Bell's book "Sex God". I would tell you a little bit about it but I haven't started reading it yet. Heh. We'll see how this goes.
Anyway, in all of this craziness I have had some great times with the people here with me. The compassion DTS here graduated last week and we were all up till 1:30 in the morning dancing. A group of us went on a walk in 0 degree weather to a frozen lake and had a picnic on it. Also I have found time to take some photos of the amazing people here. I have had many great times with this crazy bunch of people.
SO! I'm going to Brazil for outreach!!! YAAAYY! I'm so excited! My team leader is a girl named Eva, she is from the Dominican Republic. The rest of the team is as follows; Caroline from Virgina; Dean from the Cayman Islands; Fiona from Scotland; Raphael from Germany; and Moi! For the first 3 weeks we will be with YWAM in Porto Velho working with the tribes in the Amazon. From there we travel to the city Brazila to work in a kids cancer hospital and also to work with a project that rescues kids from the indigenous tribes that buries kids alive if they have deformities or if they are twins. Mostly they offer shelter to mothers and the kids. We found out to the other day that for the first 3 weeks in Brazil we won't have a translator. So it will be a very challenging time but our team is going to be meeting together weekly for Portuguese lessons.
Bon Nuit (good night)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Is that really you God?
This past week we were given the opportunity to bless someone in the community. We were instructed to pray about it and see who God wants us to bless.
I knew pretty soon after hearing about that project that I wanted to make a spa basket that had bubble bath, body wash, candles, things that make for a relaxing evening. I thought of the different people I had run into in the community. And one person kept coming to my mind while I was praying about it. Every week or more we go to the local pub in town and there is a woman there that I felt would be the perfect person to give it to.
When I gave it to her she was really confused and kept asking why I was giving her a present. I told her that I felt like she just needed something to help her relax and take a break from life. I pray that God uses the gifts that have been given her to make some difference in her life.
I knew pretty soon after hearing about that project that I wanted to make a spa basket that had bubble bath, body wash, candles, things that make for a relaxing evening. I thought of the different people I had run into in the community. And one person kept coming to my mind while I was praying about it. Every week or more we go to the local pub in town and there is a woman there that I felt would be the perfect person to give it to.
When I gave it to her she was really confused and kept asking why I was giving her a present. I told her that I felt like she just needed something to help her relax and take a break from life. I pray that God uses the gifts that have been given her to make some difference in her life.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Whirling Emotions
Salut mes amis!
I have so many thoughts and emotions whirling around inside of me I don't know where to start.
There are so many things to be thankful for but something I'm most thankful for is that Abbie was able to join me in this adventure to the frozen tundra of Canada. If not for her I would of had a mental breakdown already. The flights here took such a long time. We didn't arrive at the base until 3am. But when we got here oh man. This place is wonderful.
First, the staff here are so wonderful. When Abbie and I arrived at the airport we were greeted with hugs. And after all the plane rides I was a bit frazzled and that little action of kindness just helped me calm down. After we grabbed our bags from the conveyor belt, Abbie, I and two other girls jumped into a van that wasn't quite big enough for 4 girls with a bunch of luggage. So we ended up have huge bags on our laps for the drive over the border.Thankfully we went through immigration with no problems.
I didn't really know what I was expecting for my place of living here in Dunham, Quebec but the YWAM base has gone far beyond my expectations. When we drove up to the base I was thrilled to see a charming old brick mansion with twinkling lights and glittering snow on the roof. It's a place where it's going to take a couple of days to figure out and explore.
In the morning I got a small tour of the house where I was shown a lovely little art studio, dance studio and jam room. It is a place I see myself spending a lot of time. In the afternoon Abbie and I walked around the little town of Dunham. There wasn't a lot there but the shops they have are absolutely wonderful. We found a very cute boutique, antique stores, a wonderful little cafe and a pub.
Tomorrow the rest of the team arrives and I can barely wait to finally meet everyone. So this is the beginning of a time that will change who I am and everyone here for the better. God has something in store for the group of artists and it's almost too exciting and wonderful to imagine.
Me in the cafe with my first enjoyable cup of coffee.
I have so many thoughts and emotions whirling around inside of me I don't know where to start.
There are so many things to be thankful for but something I'm most thankful for is that Abbie was able to join me in this adventure to the frozen tundra of Canada. If not for her I would of had a mental breakdown already. The flights here took such a long time. We didn't arrive at the base until 3am. But when we got here oh man. This place is wonderful.
First, the staff here are so wonderful. When Abbie and I arrived at the airport we were greeted with hugs. And after all the plane rides I was a bit frazzled and that little action of kindness just helped me calm down. After we grabbed our bags from the conveyor belt, Abbie, I and two other girls jumped into a van that wasn't quite big enough for 4 girls with a bunch of luggage. So we ended up have huge bags on our laps for the drive over the border.Thankfully we went through immigration with no problems.
I didn't really know what I was expecting for my place of living here in Dunham, Quebec but the YWAM base has gone far beyond my expectations. When we drove up to the base I was thrilled to see a charming old brick mansion with twinkling lights and glittering snow on the roof. It's a place where it's going to take a couple of days to figure out and explore.
In the morning I got a small tour of the house where I was shown a lovely little art studio, dance studio and jam room. It is a place I see myself spending a lot of time. In the afternoon Abbie and I walked around the little town of Dunham. There wasn't a lot there but the shops they have are absolutely wonderful. We found a very cute boutique, antique stores, a wonderful little cafe and a pub.
Tomorrow the rest of the team arrives and I can barely wait to finally meet everyone. So this is the beginning of a time that will change who I am and everyone here for the better. God has something in store for the group of artists and it's almost too exciting and wonderful to imagine.
Me in the cafe with my first enjoyable cup of coffee.
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